If you want to share your ideas and opinions with the world, the blog is the fastest and least-expensive way to do that. Basically, everyone can be a blog writer as long as he has something interesting to say, although there have been more than a few cases when people set up a blog and then thought about the content. One thing that you can't afford to postpone for later is the web hosting for Drupal, as this is the cornerstone if your blog.
Fortunately, there are several providers out there who would be happy to accommodate your blog, and if you know what to look for, the choice will be self-evident. First of all, you should consider the type of Drupal web hosting you require, and if you are a blog owner, shared hosting is more than enough. You will not have such high traffic in the early stages to require the space and bandwidth of a dedicated server, and you will probably be less excited about the prospect of installing custom application.
In terms of operating systems, you should know that the web hosting for Drupal has you choosing between Linux and Windows. It is entirely up to you to make this decision, and you should do a little research if you are not confident about what would make the best decision. One thing that is certain is that the provider has to guarantee a high uptime, with as high as 99.9% because you wouldn't want your visitors to be disappointed by a dysfunctional blog.
Original post from: http://www.geekblog.net/
Image : Ambro
Umma 26 Aug, 2011--
Source: http://www.geekblog.net/please-your-readers/
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